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Pterygium is a common disease worldwide, its incidence increases in people who are exposed to the sun more often.
In the equatorial zone, we have a tropical climate, which affect more strongly the sun’s rays.
It is common to see the damage caused by the sun in the exposed areas of our skin, like freckles on the face, arms and hands.
The eyes are the only organs that have fully exposed to the environment, which is why we must protect them from ultraviolet rays of sunlight, dust, wind, sports, agricultural activities, etc. We must always consider the use of lenses that protect us from accidents in the home. Continuous exposure to sunlight can be a factor that helps the formation of pterygium, cataracts and retinal disorders.
What is a pterygium?
Pterygium, also known as “ridge in the white of the eye”, is a growth of fibrous, vascularized conjunctiva on the surface of the cornea (anterior eye lens). The conjunctiva is the clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye. Some people confuse pterygium with cataract, which is the clouding of the lens inside the eye.
Who can developed a Pterygium?
It can occur more often in people who are exposed to the sun without adequate protection (cap, hat or sunglasses with 100% UV protection).
What discomfort produces a Pterygium?
A pterygium is aesthetically undesirable for people who have it. However the symptoms that bother the patient are: Debris sensation, burning, redness, dryness, this is because the meatiness not allow adequate lubrication of the eye surface.
How can you treat a Pterygium?
When a pterygium begins to appear is useful sun protection with good quality lenses that protect from ultraviolet sun rays (UV type). It is convenient to attend the ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam and establish whether medical or surgical treatment is necessary.In advanced stages or when is aesthetically unpleasant for the patient, surgery is required to remove and replace pterigion healthy conjunctiva.
How pterygium surgery is performed?
Pterygium surgery requires surgical skill and technique to remove the damaged tissue and replace it with healthy tissue from the same patient’s eye (conjunctiva transplant). This technique was described by Dr. José Ignacio Barraquer Moner in the 60s, which remains in force to date, it is the only technique that can completely remove the damaged tissue.
You can return to produce a Pterigion after surgery?
When a pterigion surgery is performed in expert hands, the frequency of return to this problem is 0.5 to 1%. It is also important that the patient take care of eyes from the sun and the prescribed treatment. If you have this disease make an appointment with and ophthalmologist for treatment advice, complete eye exam and receive recommendations.
By: Dr. Beatriz Antzoulatos..