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Cataract is the main cause of decreased vision in people over 65 years, today fortunately cataract surgery with an expert doctor in this type of surgery, it is a procedure with successful results.
1.What is a Cataract?
A cataract is a gradual and progressive clouding of the lens behind the iris (the colored part of the eye). This makes objects like looking through a fogged glass falling and altering the vision to see.
2. What are the causes of Cataract?
Mainly occurs by age, but can be caused by:
3. How is a cataract detected?
Only an Ophthalmologist can detect the presence of a cataract, making a complete eye exam and assessing if there is another reason why the vision is decreasing, as problems in the retina, optic nerve, glaucoma, etc.
4. How is a cataract treated?
In the early stages usually only needs adjustment in the formula of the lens. If it advances is considered performing surgery making the decision between the ophthalmologist and the patient. If both eyes are affected, first one eye and the next days the other eye. 95% or more of cataract surgeries improve the quality of vision, provided when the rest of the ocular structures are healthy and there are no complications after surgery limiting vision.
5. How is surgery performed?
Always it is performed in an atmosphere of specialized surgery. In adults most are performed under local anesthesia as an outpatient surgery. The process involves removing the lens with high frequency ultrasound (phacoemulsification) through a small incision of 3 mm. The lens must be replaced by an intraocular lens after surgery some patiens will require reading glasses. It is very important that the patient the drops that your doctor indicates and have a relative rest for a month.
6. Can I get again a cataract after surgery?
Once is perform the surgery, can not form again. In some patients it may opacify the bag holding the intraocular lens and may need to clean this opaque capsule using a special laser called YAG LASER.
Although there is no way to prevent cataract can take steps to slow the progression of this condition as taking antioxidant vitamins and protect the eyes from sunlight.
If you notice any symptoms of cataract or have a family history of cataract should consult an ophthalmologist. There is no reason to delay treatment if the vision loss interferes with activities of daily living and quality of life. Call for an appointment for a complete eye exam. Remember to be healthy is the best way to enjoy life.Take care of your overall health and eye health …
By: Dr. Beatriz Antzoulatos.