San Cristóbal: (0276) 343-7209   |   Caracas: (0212) 576-4038   |   Ciudad de México: +52-55-5574-9398   |   Puebla: +52-222-290-7591



It is a condition particularly related to aging. It is the leading cause of blindness in older people. Although there are different types of cataract, the most common is senile cataract which is what occurs with age. A cataract is the clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye, avoiding the entry of light needed […]

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Cataract is the main cause of decreased vision in people over 65 years, today fortunately cataract surgery with an expert doctor in this type of surgery, it is a procedure with successful results. 1.What is a Cataract? A cataract is a gradual and progressive clouding of the lens behind the iris (the colored part of […]

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