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The eight year old girl has myopia and needs glasses

By: Mercedes Díaz. Mérida, Venezuela

Given the novelty to receive some beautiful glasses,
I feel happy, every time I look in the mirror,
She looks herself again and again.
The girl goes to school and there in the
breaks between games and jokes, comes the word
“Four eyes” and then begins to feel bad
with the consequent  discontinuous use of her pretty lenses and
finally, the total abandonment of these at the bottom of
school package.

Adolescence, youth, maturity … use lenses in
extreme necessity. Then, she discover and enjoy
contact lenses, Great advancing of
Science !, wonder of wonders! Not feel anything
in the eyes, but … irritation to a particle
dust; lenses are run or hurt; fall and is a
feat safely find them: many die
crushed by the treads are looking for, dragged
by broom or eaten by the dog.

“Myopia can be corrected by a surgery” big news of the millennium.
Laser surgery is a prodigy, extraordinary invention
which ended with the trauma of operations.

The girl, and many years latter, gets into the hands of Dr. George
Antzoulatos, the great magician of vision, and operated
while I live the unforgettable experience of laser.

First: Cleaning my eyes and several drops,
simple surgical clothing, more drops and then
is looking forward to enter “laser enclosure”.
There’s a group of people waiting to be operated.
Some are facing a fearful attitude,  ort
he usual behavior before an intervention
Surgical. I wander mentally, I relax and
I visualize success for my benefit view.

Finally in the “laser surgical room”, comfortable
bed, a drop, a little device that immobilizes the eye,
another drop. Then look a little
blip, hear the order “laser” followed by
similar to a soft humming sound and operation

Then, with a clear protective, face
street and check that everything is clear, the
perfection, equal or better than with lenses.
Approximately a month latter vision
reaches its final level of correction and every day
is evidence that more accurately and easily to
capture and enjoy the sense of sight the world
around us and the things that interest us.

It often happens that the “contact lenses syndrome”
Made me at times to ask myself certain actions
unconsciously: Do I have left the lens on or did they fall?
And immediately the immense joy, Lenses if I do not use!
I have my perfect vision thanks to the large laser and the great Dr. Antzoulatos!
