George Antzoulatos, Md. (1943-2024) Scientific Director of the Ophthalmological Center. Medical Studies. Universidad of Los Andes. Merida, Venezuela 1968. Specialist in Ophthalmology. University Hospital of Caracas. Central University of Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela. 1971-1973 Cataract Surgery specialist Refractive eye in extreme ametropia Surgeon. Subspecialty in Corneal Surgery. Gainnessville, Florida, USA. 1980 Basic and Advanced Course in Ocular Surgery with Dr. Richard Troutman. Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. New York U.S.A. Phacoemulsification course with Dr. Robert Sinskey. Los Angeles California. U.S.A. 1981. Course in Refractive Surgery (Keratomileusis) with Dr. José Ignacio Barraquer Moner. Barraquer Clinic. Bogota Colombia. 1981. Course of Refractive Surgery (Queratototmía Radial) with Dr. Fyodorov. Ocular Microsurgery Institute in Moscow. U.S.S.R. 1985, 1987, 1989. Ocular Surgery course Aloimplantes eyepieces with Dr. Muldashev. Ufa. U.S.S.R. 1989 Member of: SVO ( Venezuelan Society of Ophthalmology) AAO ( American Academy of Ophthalmology) APO ( American Association of Ophthalmology ) ISRS ( International Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery) Background: Retired Professor of Ophthalmology Central Hospital of San Cristobal. San Cristobal, Venezuela Private Practice at the Hospital de Clinicas in Caracas and San Cristobal Clinical Center Expositor , Author and Co- author of numerous scientific papers specialty . Areas of interest: Cataract -surgery : phacoemulsification . traumatic – congenital cataracts. Surgery Valvular glaucoma and Implants . Refractive -surgery : LASIK. Extremes Refractive error . Phakic Intraocular implants and Toric . Bioptics . Presbicia : Scleral implants . Research : Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology in Refractive Surgery. Designer : Instrumental Ophthalmological surgical. Beatriz Antzoulatos, Md. Eye Problems Compartir