San Cristóbal: (0276) 343-7209   |   Caracas: (0212) 576-4038   |   Ciudad de México: +52-55-5574-9398   |   Puebla: +52-222-290-7591

Refractive Surgery (instructions)

cirugía refractiva

It is very important to follow the following steps, it contributes to the success of your surgery

1. Inform about surgery cost and ophthalmological report to apply in your insurance company.

2. Payment: Secretary will give you the information.

3. If you are on treatment for systemic disease such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, thyroid problems or take blood thinners, you should tell your eye doctor. You will be operated with Topical anesthesia (drops)


1. Laboratory tests: Perform tests ordered and bring the day of surgery.

2. Not take the following medicines BLEEDING RISK: Aspirin, Anticoagulants, Alka -Seltzer.

3. If use Contact Lenses. Do not use fifteen (15) days prior to surgery.

4. If we have indicated we need REVIEW your eyeglass prescription, make new topography or has more than 3 months after your last check: Contact the office to set the time of re-evaluation.

EIGHT (8) DAYS BEFORE: CONFIRM YOUR DAY AND TIME OF SURGERY: Call the office where his surgery was scheduled to ensure their attendance.

ONE (1) DAY BEFORE: Call ahead to confirm the time of your surgery. 


DRESS: Wear comfortable clothes with button front shirt. You can bring a coat or jacket. Not bring valuables. Do not bring tails, or hooks in the hair.

COSMETICS: DO NOT USE PERFUMES the day of surgery, this may affect the laser power at the time of surgery. Do not use eye makeup three days before surgery, presented with washed and clean face.

DIET: Do not eat before surgery, only fluids 2 hours before. You can eat after surgery.

HANDLING: Do not handle the day of surgery. You MUST GO WITH A COMPANION

PREGNANCY: If pregnant, nursing or trying to conceive, the surgical procedure should be scheduled six months after birth. Discuss it with your ophthalmologist immediately.

CHILDREN: Arrange for someone to care for them during the day of surgery. Children should not play with you at least one (1) month. A blow to your eyes can cause great damage to your post operative.

Immediate post-operative: 

Avoid sleep rub on your eyes or could be hit inadvertently. It is recommended after surgery rest and sleep.When the effect of anesthesia end, you may feel foreign body sensation in the eye, light sensitivity, red eye, mild pain.  All this is normal, it is not cause for concern and generally decreases in the early hours. If symptoms are greater than those described above in one or both eyes, we suggest you return back to the office or to the surgical area to check her and determine the cause of the discomfort, if this happens in the evening hours we suggest you take a painkiller (Ibuprofen 400mg: 1 tablet every 12 hours) and return the next day to the office in the morning.

Post-operative controls:

You must attend your post-operative check the day after surgery, the 1st month, 3rd month and the 6th month and a year.
