San Cristóbal: (0276) 343-7209   |   Caracas: (0212) 576-4038   |   Ciudad de México: +52-55-5574-9398   |   Puebla: +52-222-290-7591



It is one of the leading causes of blindness in people over 40 years. It is a condition characterized by high pressure within the eye, visual field loss and damage to the optic nerve. In most cases and particularly in the early stage, there are very few signs. In the advanced stage of the condition, […]

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Glaucoma is an eye disease characterized by progressive optic neuropathy or not associated with increased intraocular pressure, which leads to chronic visual field loss and vision. Who can have Glaucoma? People at risk for glaucoma are: 1. Family history of glaucoma (familial predisposition) 2. People over 40 years. 3. Hyperopia or high myopia. 4. Diabetes. […]

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